Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mini Fruit Pizzas? I Think Yes!

Step One: Putting the cookie dough on the tray.
Step 2: Cream Cheese Frosting

Step 3: Cutting the Fruit

The Finished Product! :)
What is better than sugar cookies, cream cheese frosting, and fresh fruit? I'm going to have to say there is nothing in the world that even comes close to beating that! Not even baby kittens. That’s a big deal. 
Now, this pin was fairly easy to execute. I bought cookies in a package so that all I had to do was throw them in the oven and make sure to set the timer. I wanted to have a foolproof plan, but let's be real. Nothing is fool proof. 
After I put the cookies in the over, I began cutting up the fruit. 
Naturally I pretended that I was Rachel Ray, a cooking extraordinaire, and tried to make every slice precise. And once again, naturally I ended up with non-glamorous blobs of fruit…fail (ok maybe I exaggerated a bit, it wasn’t a major failure). Trying to redeem myself from the not so great cutting job, I turned my attention towards the frosting. I then pulled a typical non-homemaker move; I tried to rush things and became impatient. 
I took the cream cheese straight out of the fridge and, without letting it soften, put it right in the bowl with the powdered sugar and began mixing them together. It’s not like it didn’t work, it’s just that it didn’t work well. At all.
 So now I have burnt cookies, (I burnt the cookies by the way) chunky frosting, and blobs of fruit. Solid! Why am I so good at life?! (if you couldn’t tell that was a hint of sarcasm). It was sad. I'm the worst. The cookies were crunchy. BUT, they were still super delicious which made me so happy! Even though I messed up on them, they still tasted like heaven! 
So I highly recommend this recipe. It was so easy, that even I could do it! Me! A non-crafty, non-homemaker can do it! Seriously though, I decided while making these cookies that I'm not very good at being a girl. Girls are supposed to be amazing at baking and amazing at sewing and things like that and I'm just straight up not. It’s a sad life I lead, not being very good at being a girl. But that's beside the point, the point of this is to say how great the pin was and let me tell you, this pin was WONDERFUL!
 I would give it an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.  And when I say 8, I mean that it’s frozen yogurt good.  That’s dang good! Seriously, it was so easy, all I had to do was put the cookies on a sheet and throw them in the oven, cut up some fruit, and mix cream cheese with powdered sugar to make the best cookies ever! I highly recommend this pin.
 My only advice would be to let the cream cheese soften prior to making the frosting….that was kind of a big mistake. I’m good at doing that. But that’s what’s so great about life, we can learn from each others mistakes! So now all of you can make delicious cookies without burning them and without making chunky frosting. I hope you enjoy! :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Fiasco...

The original pin. 
I wanted to start out with something simple, so of course I chose to make adorable paintings. My first step was to find a pin off of Pinterest that I liked, and then buy the materials. They added up to a total of        12 dollars, which I thought was a fairly reasonable price.
 I came back to my apartment very anxious and excited, I was ready to get going and do some work making a seriously cute craft! I just forgot one major thing...the leaves. Without the leaves I was just going to have pink and blue painted boards, how cute would have that been? Not so cute. So I set out on an adventure with my roommate to find the perfect leaves. This was a fairly simple task, we live in a beautiful place that has tons of trees so I just chose the best looking leaves and took them. I hope that wasn't a bad thing to do...whoops! (For all you tree lovers out there, I'm very sorry I robbed a few trees of their leaves).
 While the leaves were being squished in a book, I started painting the white canvas squares with the blue and pink paint that I got at the store. That was a very easy job, the paint went on smoothly and dried remarkably quickly. I was quite impressed, so far things were seeming to be going great! Unfortunately things were about to go South...way South. Like almost to Mexico south. 
When my boards were sufficiently dry I got the leaves out of the books and put them on the boards. Now this is where big mistake number one comes in: I didn't allow the leaves to "squish" long enough, so they did not lay flat on the board. I decided in my naive mind that this wasn't going to be a big problem at all. Boy was I wrong! Big mistake number two: I didn't secure the leaf on the canvas before I started spray painting. DO NOT DO THAT! It did not turn out at all because the moment I started spraying the canvas with the spray paint, the leaf moved around and made it impossible to get a good outline of it. It ended up looking like a blob, a big fat ugly blob. It was awful! So when I went to do the second one, I got a little bit smarter. 
I decided to tape the leaf down so that when I sprayed it, it would stay! I'd call that stroke of genius divine intervention because the next one turned out great! After taping it all down, which took about 10 minutes to really get it down good, I sprayed it and SHABAM! It looks great! Overall, this craft was simple and turned out pretty amazing. 
My advice for someone else who is thinking about doing this is: Yes! Go for it, but be patient. I was too anxious to get started so I didn't let the leaves flatten enough and it made it much more difficult to tape it down. So be patient and in the end you'll have a totally adorable craft that was worth the 3 hours or so that I put into it! Rate for this pin on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being a dirty diaper and 10 being the Mona Lisa): 6.5- somewhere between Zac Efron and corn on the cob. 
The supplies. 

I was super excited that it was so easy to paint them!

Taping the leaves. That was quite the task.

The finished product! I think that the top two turned out the best. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Start of Something New

     Have you ever been looking at Pinterest and wondered if any of the DIY crafts were even humanly possible? I sure as heck have, because here's the deal: I'm SO not crafty. I'm the least crafty/creative person I know, but Pinterest makes it look so easy! And that is why I've decided to blog about my DIY craft endeavors. Some will turn out great, some probably won't turn out great and, well let's be real, most of them probably won't turn out at all. But I'm willing to give it a try!
     Please join me on my journey to self discovery as I make a whole bunch of beautiful things to hang on the walls of my currently bare apartment. Feel free to comment or give feedback to help me make my blog more enjoyable to read! Thanks so much!