Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Start of Something New

     Have you ever been looking at Pinterest and wondered if any of the DIY crafts were even humanly possible? I sure as heck have, because here's the deal: I'm SO not crafty. I'm the least crafty/creative person I know, but Pinterest makes it look so easy! And that is why I've decided to blog about my DIY craft endeavors. Some will turn out great, some probably won't turn out great and, well let's be real, most of them probably won't turn out at all. But I'm willing to give it a try!
     Please join me on my journey to self discovery as I make a whole bunch of beautiful things to hang on the walls of my currently bare apartment. Feel free to comment or give feedback to help me make my blog more enjoyable to read! Thanks so much!


  1. Anna!!!! I think its kinda really funny that you are starting a blog. I will read every single one of them because..well I have nothing better to do :) also your pinterest craft things will turn out amazing! probably.
    Sincerely, Jace "Cup Crusher" Buxton
    ps this may or may not be the only one of your blogs I ever read. we'll see.
