Thursday, November 15, 2012

Oh the Irony...

     Sometimes when I am looking through Pinterest, I get really sad about my life. It shows all these beautiful skinny women with amazing bodies, stylish clothes and perfect make-up; and I start comparing myself to these cray-cray ladies and get really self-conscious.
     There is just no possible way that I am ever going to look as good as some of these people! So then because I'm depressed and I start eating a lot of food and chocolate and ice cream and pie and all the things that make you more fat...then that leads to me being heftier and then I get even more depressed and it is just a vicious cycle. An awful, vicious cycle that I definitely need to stop.
     That's why sometimes I don't really like Pinterest, but it does also have other good things that I really like about it. I mean, sometimes I feel like it motivates me to get out more and exercise more so that I can feel better about myself which is great. And yet it can have the opposite effect which just so happens to be not so great.
     That is why I think that it is very ironic that I really love Pinterest, yet at the same time it makes me feel really bad about my life. Oh the irony! Frailty thy name is woman (that's my favorite quote from Hamlet btdubs)!
      I thought that you would appreciate this pin I saw on Pinterest...because it's also ironic and since I'm already on an ironic ship I might as well throw this out at ya!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Banana Trifles

The Original Pin
      If you hadn't noticed....I'm on a bit of a banana kick. I used to hate bananas. With a passion. But then one day my roommate bought some and I saw her eating one and I thought to myself, dang, that looks delicious! So I went to the store and bought myself 3 bananas. I ate the first one and it was SOOOO good. Now I really, really like bananas. And I've bought like 10 more since then.
     I also chose this pin because I had to redeem myself from the last banana treat that didn't turn out so well...and my mom was  needed to make these trifles for a Young Women's activity, so she helped me a lot. It worked out well.
     Making these trifles was unbelievably easy, but maybe that was just because my sister was helping, my mom was helping, and my adorable nieces and nephews were helping too. Many hands truly do make light work, and we had these trifles made in less than a half hour.
     The first step to making this delicious treat was to make banana pudding from a pudding mix, that part was easy and then you make another mixture of some sort....I forgot what it had in it but I'm pretty sure it was cream cheese with cool whip and sweetened condensed milk. We mixed each of those together separately and then combined them.
     That part was really cool because one mixture was white and the other one was yellow, so when they were stirred together it looked like a really cool swirl. Ok, enough about that....after the pudding mixture was put together we got to do the fun part, assembling the trifle.
     We laid out the cups and began by putting vanilla wafers on the bottom layer. After that, we put the pudding, then banana slices, followed by more pudding and then we topped it off with cool whip and a vanilla wafer. And to add a little pizazz we sprinkled heath bar crumbs over the top.
      They looked so dang good! Seriously. I was very proud of my family....we worked together and accomplished a wonderful thing. We made food! Except I didn't get to eat any of it which is extremely depressing.
      How am I supposed to properly rate it without even getting to eat it? Oh well, I'll just base my rating on easiness of execution and aesthetics. I'll tell you what, it was super aesthetically pleasing. In a major way. If I saw that in a window of a bakery I would race in to the store and see how much it cost, and if it was a reasonable price then I would definitely purchase it. And eat it. A lot of it. And I guess even if it was a little expensive I might consider buying it still just because it looked that good. I'm a poor college student and I would probably break my bank for this.
      That is why I am giving this pin a 8.97. I would have given it a higher score if I could have tasted it because I'm sure it was delicious. But still an 8.97 is an amazingly high rating. That is as good as hot chocolate on a snowy day. Actually, hot chocolate on a snowy day while you're sitting by a window and the Christmas tree is up is like a 3000 out of 10. So I guess it's almost as good as that. So yeah, this is a good pin. Do it. Enjoy it. Live long and prosper!

The ingredients...ok so the bananas are super ripe. Don't judge, we wanted them to be sweet!
Slice the bananas, don't they look pretty!

The two mixtures about to be combined...

Combining them....doesn't it look cool?

Beginning the assembly.

Another layer added.

Bam! The final product. They look dang good!

Yummy! And killer presentation might I add. :)


Monday, November 5, 2012

PB&B Bites. Yum.

The Original Pin
            Frozen peanut butter banana bites sounds super delicious, doesn’t it? At least that’s what I thought when I saw the pin on Pinterest. It looked so appetizing that I decided to make it and post about how well it turned out on my blog. And I also decided to make it because I had peanut butter and bananas are super cheap and yeah, I’m a poor college student.
            So after I made myself some super delicious dinner, I decided to make the frozen banana bites for dessert. They took less than 5 minutes to make which was way nice, and the difficulty level was 0. Seriously, they were so easy to make that probably a small child could have made them.
            I started off by peeling the banana and then slicing it into ½ inch slices. When I was finished with that I took a knife and spread peanut butter on to one side of a banana slice, and then put another one on top like a sandwich! It was super cute. And I was getting really excited. The only bad part about making them was the fact that the banana was really sticky and slimy which is gross. So minus a point for that.
            When all the PB&B sandwiches were put together, I put them in the freezer like a good girl because that is what the recipe said to do. It said to freeze it for at least 2 hours. I put them in at 8:45 pm so at 10:45 is when they would be done.
While I was waiting for them to freeze, I decided to finish my homework. That was probably the best decision I’ve made all night, because now I’m not stressed out about my difficult assignment for my journalism class! Yay! Woo-hoo! Go me! Ok that’s beside the point, I finished my homework and started chatting with my roomies.
            I was in my roommates room talking about the chocolate muffins that my other roommate attempted to make that got burned, when I looked at the clock. It said 10:33. I figured that that was close enough to 10:45 and raced to the kitchen to find out if my PB&B bites turned out good.
            Unfortunately, they didn’t.
            They were disgusting. Like ridiculously disgusting and I could barely force myself to eat two which looking back sounds like a lot when I should have stopped after the first bite of the first one. But still, you get the picture. They were bad. And if you don’t believe me, ask my roommates. Story time:
            It was a bleak November night on that fateful day, when Madeline and Shmerg walked into the kitchen where their crazy roommate, Anna (aka me), was making delicious frozen banana-peanut-bites. They were so thrilled at the sight of food that they didn’t even question where it came from, or if it was even good or not, they just hurried and picked one up and shoved it in their mouths. Freeze frame. This is where it gets good. Action!
            They hadn’t even chewed it for more than one second when they were running for the trashcan to relieve themselves of the burden of feeling like they were going to throw-up. That’s right. They almost threw-up. Maddie and Shmerg spit out the PB&B bites faster than you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (But you do have to give me some credit, that word takes a ridiculously long time to say).
            Moral of the story: the PB&B bites were awful. I would not recommend them, even to an enemy. No one deserves to have that torture put on them. Ok, so maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but they really were not very good at all. They were slimy and not sweet and banana-y and just plain nasty. But I guess that could have been my fault and not the recipe’s fault because I found out later that it was really only 9:33 when I took them out because my roommate didn’t changer her clock after daylight saving time happened. I’m going to blame the fact that they were disgusting on that; that they didn’t have enough time to mature and ripen and become delicious. I think that sounds right. Yeah. It does.
            I give this pin a 1.5 out 10. That’s almost as bad as running out of gas in the middle of the road. And that’s bad. Anyway, I hope that whatever I make next turns out better. That would be lovely. Until next time, Adios!

The seemingly harmless ingredients...

Almost there, just need to freeze them, oh my they're so cute!

The finished it's disgusting! Yay! Success. Also Sarcasm.