Sometimes when I am looking through Pinterest, I get really sad about my life. It shows all these beautiful skinny women with amazing bodies, stylish clothes and perfect make-up; and I start comparing myself to these cray-cray ladies and get really self-conscious.
There is just no possible way that I am ever going to look as good as some of these people! So then because I'm depressed and I start eating a lot of food and chocolate and ice cream and pie and all the things that make you more fat...then that leads to me being heftier and then I get even more depressed and it is just a vicious cycle. An awful, vicious cycle that I definitely need to stop.
That's why sometimes I don't really like Pinterest, but it does also have other good things that I really like about it. I mean, sometimes I feel like it motivates me to get out more and exercise more so that I can feel better about myself which is great. And yet it can have the opposite effect which just so happens to be not so great.
That is why I think that it is very ironic that I really love Pinterest, yet at the same time it makes me feel really bad about my life. Oh the irony! Frailty thy name is woman (that's my favorite quote from Hamlet btdubs)!
I thought that you would appreciate this pin I saw on Pinterest...because it's also ironic and since I'm already on an ironic ship I might as well throw this out at ya!
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